National Park Proposal                       

    I propose that Canada creates a new national park in upper Quebec.  The plant and animal species that inhabit this area need to be in a conserved environment.  As many areas are being torn down and made into commercial and residential sites, much of our natural wildlife is being lost.  We need to protect some of our nature or soon enough, we won't have any.

    So why bother?  Why would I propose a new national park when there are already a few out there?  Well, my answer to that is because a FEW national parks isn't enough to protect all the species we have yet to see.  We need national parks to protect all the species we have.  These plants and animals need to stay in their natural habitat and be protected in their natural habitat.  National parks help them by conserving their natural home and protecting the animals from hunters and poachers.  Their ground in untouched and their lives are undisturbed.  We need to protect all of the creatures that live with us or soon they will be gone forever.

                 "Take only pictures, steal only time and leave only footprints."